Baccarat may not be as popular as some casino games, and its higher stakes may put some low-limit players off. But, the game is actually very simple, and played well the house edge can be as low as just 1.01%. So it offers players a good chance of seeing almost 100% RTP on their wagers. Here you can compare the house edge in different deck games, based on the bet you make. As the statistics demonstrate, the tie bet is consistently the one where the house has a huge advantage over the player regardless of the number of decks in play. Whereas the bet with the lowest house edge is banker to win. (資料來源)
Even the most levelheaded of gamblers isn’t immune from gambler’s fallacy. Try as you may to keep logic and reason front of mind, when you’re on a hot streak, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment. Thinking that luck is on your side and losing is somehow out of the question.
That way of thinking is the definition of gambler’s fallacy. It’s the belief that higher forces are at work, and that winning, or losing, is down to something other than skill or randomness. The fact is casino odds are what they are. No amount of lucky rabbit’s feet will swing them in your favor.
So be wary of thinking you can’t lose. In gambling, there always has to be winners and losers. No one is immune. No matter how ‘lucky’ they might seem. Never forget, that so-called luck can change at any given second. (資料來源)